Saturday, November 20, 2010

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ART booster

of Marco Machiorletti
in category Objectives -

ART booster

You took
a beating, you have collided with yet another obstacle. You're down, you see everything black.
you feel smaller, your confidence has crumbled.
It happened to everyone, you are aware, you know that's not the end of the world, but it burns.

In life it is great that he knows rise.
You can drop a thousand times, provided that increases the thousand and one.

The failures, disappointments, the holes in the water do not come to hurt you.
is true, occur abruptly, but the best thing that could happen to you .

In life nothing happens by chance .
If you took that drubbing means that you had to take, at that very moment, and precisely in that form so indigestible.
Did you fall the tile in the head because you had to open my eyes, you had to grow up, something was not working .

Very often grow up with certain attitudes, beliefs, behaviors that are not good to ourselves and to others.
Maybe not even think about it, all taken from our daily lives.
Until one day ... we find ourselves on the ground to lick his wounds.
Just then you see a fork : fall, fall into depression, start as usual, or learn the lesson and grow .

Learning a lesson can take you from failure to success in any field.
Who does not learn the lesson will continue to take the same setbacks until bell. Why
Life is like that.
Nothing happens by chance.

How to react in the right way?
Reconquest yourself.

Take time to understand where you were wrong , and especially to learn the lesson .

Employ the 10% of your time to bring to light all the mistakes, shortcomings, oversights, and write them on paper.

And to 90% " some adjustments." Putting pen to paper adopting new behaviors, more functional than those that caused the failure.

is important that you do it with a positive state of mind, because the decisions made in moments of anger and depression will be doomed to failure.
Smile sgranchisciti, call a person that you care, listen to music, go for a run, read a good book, and then begins to work on yourself.

For each area caused the bad result is least 10 new ideas to improve your behavior, your attitude , your beliefs and your values \u200b\u200b .
Be practical and detailed .

If, for example, have lost friends important why did not you more interested in them, and proposed to call at least once a week your friends and future, and to meet as many you can. Establish precise numbers.

In life it is sometimes need to make major changes, often proportional to the pain that terrified us.

"Take home" this valuable opportunity for growth, and starts to smile .

will become a stronger person than , balanced, flexible , aware , complete. In a word: better .

can learn many lessons.
Be practical change immediately your way of thinking and acting , you will not be limited to rationalize any help

Be aware that yet another obstacle or failure, will be nothing but yet another opportunity to put into play and grow, chew a bit 'of insecurity and then turn it into new strength and determination.

It is these moments to find the most important person in the world: yourself.

are the moments when to stop and think about what you really want, for yourself .

Put it in black and white, because the daily routine often distracts from our dreams.
recite the same script every day, forgetting that we are not actors, but people with very specific goals and desires , and we have the right to pursue them.

You have suffered, now it's time to get up and show the world that are stronger than before.
Grab your dreams and make them become your new reality.
now made it easier

A hug

Marco Machiorletti


Click the top left

BOOKS to raise

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How Long After Taking Lorazepam To Drink Alcohol


videocorso PUBLIC SPEAKING: review


Public Speaking ... Public speaking. One of the strongest fears of man, second only to death in the United Kingdom and the USA. Who speaks in public, you expose it to scrutiny by others, comments and any objections ... is called to engage , to understand all its message and motivate.
The Neuro Linguistic Programming has studied the best communicators and wondered what makes different from others. E Giacomo Bruno
, in his video course Public Speaking , there are illustrated. This allows us to be able riosservare several times to improve our understanding of matter and to assess our progress . We also always a public speaker to emulate ... James!

As the great Dale Carnegie , "The best way to public speaking is public speaking," then, once viewed, get immediately work, as you can and in most contexts, "

James focuses on the three principles of communication in public: presenter, the audience and message .
Each public speaker is asked to evaluate various aspects.
First their movitazioni (What? Why me? "What is extraordinary in what I have to say?). then dwells on the fears , and explains an exercise," bridge on the future ", to change their mental images and feelings. From fear to go to stress management : it is first analyzed posture, which should be well centered. It is suggested an exercise that I have never read so far, that of the straight lines of light . Who knows?
centered posture is one that transmits more security to us and to others, and - I might add - it is almost mandatory in the process of reasoning in the strict sense. And after
posture is called into question the gestures. How should it be? Spontaneous. There will be natural, provided that we are quiet.
are also suggested some small details when we communicate our thoughts, gestures with inclusive and exclusive ... and that the course of public speaking that I after they had taught me not ....
Walking around the room. You can: the important thing is that when we say something really important we stop and we stress the whole body. We can also create anchors
space, and we will see this more in depth when I set up training courses;).
Chairs, desks, chairs, etc are all things that remove communication. The second pillar is the
public, and the first thing we learn is how empathize with our audience.
How? Through tracing , and then the guide . All well-reasoned and thorough.
Another way to be implemented together with the previous one, is to use a multisensory language to involve the same extent as visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
It 'a good idea to also vary the tones of voice , and take breaks wisely. Besides tracing the
minutes, rated on communication, it is advisable to get in tune, in rapport, even at the cultural and emotional. And we are told what to do.
Another way to create rapport and make a good setup . We must try to trace people in their thoughts, understand what they have in mind and tell us first.
It 'a good idea to set a series of objections and rules of anticipation. With a good seput can "defuse " the infamous "killer seminar" :)
Another important point: it is wrong to label people! run the risk of losing flexibility and tuning.
.. And now we come to a crucial ... the management of the gaze.
James examines all the characteristics of effective look. From personal experience, especially on the management of the look, I advise you to practice right away.
One of the great things of this video course, in fact, is that they are also analyzed our most common mistakes, then we can easily correct and improve our communication skills.
Management silence. Silence is not an enemy to be avoided like the plague, but a powerful weapon in our favor, we can create suspense ... You will see how to do it better.
INSTRUMENTS There is another important step towards establishing rapport: the questions. Questions of clarity of understanding, experience (the latter for powerful evoke moods), usability. Powerful instruments, with many examples!
Applications are also a great way to release stress
Who application commands, remember this. From these questions, we can calibrate the people, and we can even use them to reshoot objections to the public.
Finally, we analyzed the MESSAGE , with the metaphor of flight: takeoff , flight, landing .
George Bernard Shaw: "The take-off I tell you what I will tell you, then I tell the flight, and then, in the landing, I tell you what I said."

All points of LAUNCH:
- the thing
- the time frame;
- logistical information;
- the whys;
- the current state and desired state;
- benefits;
- the like;
- dealing with applications, management exercises;
- the round table (slide shows);
- the anticipation of objections

Every point is covered and there is clearly an example of the proposed take-off.
It 's very important to tell the public how to deal with their doubts, their questions .. if not tell him right away, we will have problems later. And there is also suggested how to deal with the questions that we do not know answer!
The best way to manage objections is to anticipate , and makes us the example of management of some of the most common objections made to it in the presentation of his book on seduction.

advance, do not suggest , and to do that we must calibrate well public.
The main objective is to take off intrigue, attracting the attention of .
first curious, then I expose my ideas ... in ...
FLIGHT , with its specific structure and its specific characteristics:
- the central idea;
- 3 / 4 major points;
- stories and anecdotes;
- nested loops.

We are the examples, and we have the opportunity to take inspiration from them.
James tells us how great is the power of stories, and nested loops ("stories within stories"), itself an advanced technique that I taught the course in public speaking and the company was another seems obvious to me ...

And finally ... 's LANDING! which includes:
- the summary;
- the call to action;
- empowering suggestions.

then summarize what has been said (in the course of memory that I followed the list some time ago we did during a visualization exercise, and it was a wonderful experience), give a direction, and install a range of ideas to make other people remain more satisfied , and to spur action even after some time.

After watching the video course start immediately to get in game and most times you can practice : told some anecdotes of friends at a table, make a few comments at a news conference during a meeting, etc.. opportunities to practice and improve are limitless!


Marco Machiorletti

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Leader. If you're not, you can become

Today I deal with the video course " Leadership" by James Brown (see link at the bottom of intervention). James
during more than two and a half hours , discusses the two key pillars of leadership: the 'alignment staff and direction.
"When we have a clear direction and are consistent, we express it, and people around us realize it. They will see a person that does what it says, that does what I think, always"

To begin, deals with 'assertiveness " Assertiveness is when I am able to express everything I think, without fear, and respect for others .
Analyze the two extremes, namely passivity and aggression, and shows how assertiveness represents the equilibrium point.
The leader is assertive

then shows the best technique to give some feedback people, or the comments on his action.
all these years I've never found a person, and I say one, if not in education, which gave me the right feedback.
Now I wanted to learn the best technique in order to keep people around me a much better treatment. With feedback you can just pull out people enormous resources.

After analyzing the feedback, let us analyze the logic levels . If you do not know what they are, send me a credit of 500 € and I'll explain! :)))
Environment - Behavior - Skills - Values \u200b\u200band beliefs - Identity. Up to the mission .
Li explains very clearly and analyzes the main errors that are committed.
And then proposes a fantastic exercise to align and develop consistency in order to achieve their goals.

"When they are aligned and consistent, and communicate in a manner consistent, people will follow me"

Then James is responsible for the management, direction toward a goal well formulated.
It explains how to formulate good. Finally

dedicated to mentoring and sponsorship to !

It 's a very good video course, I especially enjoyed the exercise on the alignment of logic levels, very useful and profound

Videocourse LEADERSHIP
Best wishes to you soon! ;)
Your beloved

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The art of seduction

Today we speak of videocorso " Seduction" by James Brown.

James examines the three pillars of seduction, that is:
1) rapport
2) strategies
3) belief

Starting from the premise that "like attracts like," analyzes the techniques of tracing, starting Tracing the basic (verbal, para-and non-verbal).
During the explanation, it opens an aside on ' attitude to take, and I was struck by her comment: " If we want to send a message, we must address the other person .

Bravo James! One mistake we make when we communicate is often to focus only on ourselves, we can get the benefits, shifting the emphasis from our party.
do the opposite of what we should do, which is to be truly oriented and focused on the person that we face.

Returning to the tracing, James points out how his primal aim is to transmit similarity, and then understanding and trust.

then introduces us to the forms of advanced tracing : emotional, beliefs and strategies.
Nobody has ever explained so clearly and simply, with lots of examples. Very good!

Once in rapport through the tracing, we guide : Before we look at the other person's world, then takes her hand and brought to see ours.

Analyzed very well the first pillar, switch to the second: the strategies James teaches us to pull out the strategy of being in love of person we want to seduce, identifying the internal mental processes: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, and their sequence, variable from person to person.
In this regard, to address the importance of good questions , which shall make our interest to our audience and give us a wealth of information that may be useful. He explains how
pull our strategy to motivate and increase our personal safety .

brings us to the third pillar, the belief James Brown shows us the virtuous circle of success: the empowering beliefs allow us to draw on resources from our hands, which allow us to act with much more strength and impact. What does this involve? Many very good results, and empowering belief is strengthened! If instead we have a limiting belief .... We are going to confermacela! (
Henry Ford said: "Whether you believe to succeed or not succeed because you will still ." We are inclined to seek confirmation our beliefs, even if negative.
is why we need to break the mold and develop empowering beliefs.

At this point explains the powerful technique for changing beliefs using Anthony Robbins - the No. 1 trainer in the world - to his courses, based on the association of a strong pain limiting beliefs, and a tremendous pleasure potentiating the conviction!
Some people pay thousands of dollars to follow the seminars Robbins! And after

Robbins, James teaches us techniques formidable change the beliefs of others: the "sleight of mouths", or verbal sleight , the luminary of NLP Robert Dilts extracted from the language patterns used by the great leaders of history. This, in my opinion, is the most beautiful part of the video course, and leave you empty-handed :)))) Do not spoil the surprise.
One thing I'm telling you: practicing the verbal sleight of hand, you have in your hands an instrument of incalculable value, useful in all circumstances.

We pull the money: the seduction quseto videocorso frames a view very soft and enlarged. It is a video course for those who want one night stands: there is a course that explains how to develop good relations , amorous and otherwise, and gives us some of the communication techniques discovered by the gurus of NLP.

you pass the link
Videocourse SEDUCTION

Best wishes! Marco (ubrica visit and sign up for newsletters!)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

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audiocorso WEALTH: review

Wealth ... at your ear

Today we speak of ' audiocorso " Wealth" by James Brown , 3 cd.

FIRST POINT - James has produced a video course and a audiocorso (the latter, if I remember correctly, it costs twice as much. And 'audiocorso sufficient, or the audio portion of that course. We lose some scheme that draws on the board, but we get there easily by squeezing some of the meninges.

This is not a technical course which to get rich, although many also give ideas (and products to earn money has marketed a lot), this course speaks of the psychology of the rich .
And if we think that 80% of the results is given by the psychology
... This confirms my thesis: you can also offer the best techniques of financial development, but if the person to whom the offer has a psychology and a restrictive attitude, you have lost precious time, not work. Before
psychology, and techniques.

James immediately dismantle the belief that to make money you need to work hard. We must work intelligently .
There are too many people realize too late that he had worked hard all his life in exchange for pennies.
Then we talk about Anthony Robbins and the sage advice of Jim Rohn, opening the door to a question: "How much is your hour of work?" . This part is absolutely essential to understand the thinking of the rich.
James mentions for the first time a great book Kiyosaky Robert, "Father, rich, poor dad" (For info: ). We will return often.

Then it starts to analyze the first pillar: the CASH - FLOW , or cash flow.
the poor, middle class and rich. It 's a little biased, partly justified by the fact that its emphasis on positive and negative are useful to pass the message better. We can thus attain
definition of wealth that we propose is very simple: is when the assets are more outputs, and means of fixed income assets .
To become rich you need to create activities and / or buying activity and / or invest in business.
Money does not bring happiness, but give some freedom . give more time available.
And you can start to create activities from scratch.
After exercise, James tells us why the employer pays less taxes of low-income person .. Then we talk about
quadrants of Cash Flow Robert Kiyosaky, author of a book on
(For info: ), That help us become aware of where we are, and where are the people who are around us. It speaks of objectives of the employee, self-employment and entrepreneur (the rich). We chatted about their standard. Call
again involved a story of Anthony Robbins, that struck me even more than before. It speaks of
financial management: must know how to manage money. It speaks of beliefs of the employee, the autonomy and the rich. The "rip off" of the conviction of a self .
The importance of time factor.
4 quadrandi are analyzed for time management by Stephen Covey, author of success in key financial. A secret of the rich is to give a very high value to their time. Also Defne its goals, its mission, and invest in their personal and professional development.
Another year passes and to analyze the financial levers , ie resources that allow us to add money to our money. The levers inside and those outside of us.
The employee has no levers, the self-employed has some of the rich has many.
Finally, it examined the issue of beliefs. You can not become rich with the beliefs of the poor. To judge by the prolixity

:))))) You can see I'm thrilled! Now I'm
"sifting through" another product of financial growth (e-book on real estate, Marcello Raso) and I'm realizing how certain concepts and a certain attitude Siino much more familiar, attractive and "feasible" after Having heard the audiocorso!

Here's the link: WEALTH
Enjoy and seems like Roy Martina ... MASSIVE ACTION!
Because knowledge without action is worthless.

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NLP video course review

NLP Coach: review

That's coach, with its specialization, is a professional increasingly popular, because of the great results that can be achieved.
fact, the coach helps the client to focus on its objectives, which are often malformulati. Makes him understand how to optimize their time and act according to their objective.
Time management is very important: money come and go ... The weather, once, once lost, is lost forever.
The coach helps the client through targeted questions to find the greatness within him and leads him up to find him the solutions they need.
The coach is not an adviser, let alone a therapist.
The coach does not give solutions, helps customers help themselves , and offers effective strategies to achieve them; The coach works with people who are well and who want to get better.

The video course "NLP Coach" James Brown will teach you a profession.
It gives you all essential information, from the skills of the coach to the very technical (how to organize the sessions, the amount per session, duration, etc.). You need to get started (except the opening of VAT ... this damn!)
Then, as we all know, the job you learn by doing them, experiencing on experience.

teaches you to use the main tool of the coach: questions, and tells you because "it does not work for free" . With this video course I understand why the training has a significant cost. And I realized that this thing has a meaning that goes beyond mere profit.

The "cool" (we use a technical term, once in a while:)))) This course teaches you is that a profession and at the same time, shows you more or less directly, becoming a coach yourself .

This is the link of the video course: NLP COACH

Saturday, October 9, 2010

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author: Miranda Miranda Source

is a Business Coach of great talent, experience and professionalism. You Excetra founder of the company and creator of Love Management ® program for personal growth and company that focuses on taking care of themselves, their employees, customers and society.
To understand the principles of Love Management Effective immediately and apply to Miranda Source has prepared a training course consists of 3 DVDs and a MP3 CD.
infoprodotto high quality, which stems from a philosophy of excellence, wellness and balance. All areas of personal development are taken into account.

The Love Management fact, it acts on seven key aspects of our lives :
  1. self-direction
  2. Attitude
  3. Communication
  4. Human Relations
  5. physical well
  6. Conduct and Grounds
  7. Financial Management
This video course allows you to take a journey of personal growth very deep
- acquire full awareness of the direction for your life
- you will learn a methodology for achieving your goals
- to develop courage and determination to overcome obstacles that separate you from your
achievement - learning to manage your personal energy

and much more. You recommend it, is a great way to make a difference at home and at work


Marco Machiorletti

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Author: Cesare D'Ambrosio
Publisher: Bruno Editore

Sales Techniques is an e-book that will allow you to achieve extraordinary results important sales, thanks to which you can earn more money and enhance your skills and your influence.

We see the summary :

Introduction Day 1: The first steps
Day 2: How to improve sales
Day 3: How to communicate
Day 4: How to improve
Day 5: How to avoid traps
Day 6: How to win the customer
Day 7: How not to lose the customer
creative ideas and tips
Reviews ebook

Thanks to this and -book you can make the leap .
If you are an aspiring seller will be your starting point, you will begin by a step higher: starting with the turbo.
Many complain because they do not work. BALLE! For a person who wants to devote himself to the world of sales there is always room , because it is such a tough and very soft, but for those holding out grow professionally and the rewards are many.
The seller has no limits gain .

With sales techniques you will learn:

- Why is it important not take it too seriously waste
- How not to get discouraged in the face of a no
- How to make the right choice time to achieve success at every contract
- How can we see people which have the ability to decide
- How should and what is a good seller
- The rules to remember for a successful sale
- How to ensure that the customer does not is in a position to say no
- How to explain a product by convincing the customer and how to prevent objections
- How take for granted a positive conclusion not expressing uncertainty
- How to set measurable indices to control the degree of customer satisfaction
- How important to think positively and have confidence in
yourself - The importance of being able to watch, knowing how to ask and know how to turn negatives into positive
- How study and understand the type of customer you are dealing with
- How can we distinguish between qualified prospects, and visitors
- How to know when is the right time to attack the market and when to wait
- The effectiveness of the strategy to impose a shorter period need for a buyer
- Learn to recognize variables to which the sales call
- The qualities necessary for a seller must have to succeed in selling
- How can we develop and build sales talks on the basis of the person in front of you
- The importance of being careful to capture the observers verbal and nonverbal reviews
- How to listen to the customer steps to prevent competition
- How to enable a program to improve the service to win customer loyalty
- How to build customer loyalty making him feel a partner to work with

and more ...

is a excellent investment
you recommend it

Marco Machiorletti
Professional Coach

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browsing techniques and learning to triple your speed
of Giacomo Bruno

Speed \u200b\u200breading is a tool that you can make a difference . Imagine being able to read 3 books a month more about your profession. Soon you'll have a excellent preparation, you will be rewarded .

I speak of a great e-book (software as a gift) that will help you learn this new skill in a simple, fast and exciting : Fast Read 3x of Giacomo Bruno, trainer, writer and editor of success.

We see how it is structured:


- How to triple your reading speed with an innovative way to learn quickly.
- Why are the classical techniques of speed reading are outdated by the latest techniques and speed reading method 3x
- Because the school taught you that learning = pain and how to use the fast reading method to create the new association learning = pleasure.
- How to exploit the natural way the brain learns and create patterns with the method of speed reading 3x
- tools and learning skills that can be useful in many areas of your life.
- any text Learning quickly from simple to elaborate fiction texts engineering


- Why is the reading system based on fast points set at boring difficult to learn, requires a lot of practice and is now recovering
- The trap of inner dialogue: how to use it, without deleting it, to improve understanding and retention.
- How to read faster and improve the understanding of a text , removing the brain the time for distractions.
- The 5-step method of speed reading 3x to triple your reading speed
- How to get into a state of relaxed vigilance and total mental focus in a few minutes .
- Triple understanding of the text with a more effective use of the brain.
- The best free software to build your maps and save up to 95% of your time

- Mind maps: a powerful tool that uses both hemispheres of the brain
- How to use maps in the creativity and the storage of information and photographic memory
- How to use maps in the reading and how to exploit fast 3x to create patterns before I read
- The secrets of Tony Buzan to exploit the potential of 100% the human brain
- The best free software to build your maps and save up to 95% of your time


- How and why reading 3x fast works better than other techniques of browsing
- The greatest trick children to read quickly that the school teaches us not to use
- Beyond the traditional methods of speed reading, based on points of stillness and movement eye, thanks to ultra modern new strategies
- Secrets of Reading Horizontal and how to adapt internal dialogue at your own speed
- The 80/20 principle to triple your reading comprehension
- Secrets of vertical reading to tenfold your reading speed with very little training
- The technique that I use to read over 200 books a year

- As long-term storage without any effort
- Why Repetition is a very bad memory technique and how to make the most of your brain.
- Saving 95% of the time with the rhythmic skim : why wipe every day, it would be wasted effort
- How to study half of your friends and get better results in all subjects
- Increase your memory with simple techniques and rhythmic skim

- the only principle underlying all the techniques of memory
- Eliminate habits erroneous understanding that slow down and store
- What are the strategies memory that allow the brain to store information billion per day
- techniques of memory for fast reading 3x : what, how to improve your learning
- How to learn the method with little practice and know how to use for life, even after years of disuse

- How to integrate mental maps and memory techniques to speed memorization and understanding of a text
- How to create a repository to store indelible mental thousands of information in a text
- Storing numbers, names and strange words within the method
3x Speed \u200b\u200bReading - How to use your brain in a creative way to fix the information more easily and quickly in your mind
- Reading Method for Fast 3x thesis and multiple readings of books


- The best free software to develop your maps and save up to 95% of your time .
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One of the best investments you can make


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Roberto Di Re, and Robert Dilts Charlie Fantechi

Secrets of leadership from three major professional revealed : Re Roberto, I know well, is the founder of HRD Academy , author of books and DVDs of great success, " Leader of yourself "at all, he teaches very participatory.
Robert Dilts is an institution in the field of NLP (Neuro Linquistica) are due to him many discoveries about the congruence personal beliefs, the charisma and leadership.
Fantechi Charlie is the founder of Dialogika Training, a company in high rise, an expert in hypnosis, the consueling and language.

" The Secrets of Leadership", published by Editions My Life, is infoprodotto consists of two DVDs and a book , where you will be aware of all the rules that govern leadership, the personal and the other on people. You will learn to
take control of your destiny to be consistent, whole, to communicate effectively. You will learn the art of leading people , motivate them, make them feel good about themselves and make them more.

The grumpy old model of the head and feared is eclipsed. It has been replaced by its leadership . From the old to the new control model of leadership .
Have capacity leadership and team building is an asset to spend in order to become someone in the world of work.

Driving, instead of being guided.

Leader becomes , is a skill that can be learned, but not overnight. It takes time and lots of practice . That is why it is important to immediately take the ball. Carried out, invest in yourself. Someone is already doing and can steal the scene.


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3 4


Want to make friends on social networks? Looking for love? Looking for useful contacts? Would you do business? Want to find old friends?
3 infoprodotti I selected for you the highest quality that will teach you to exploit the potential of social networking, whatever your goal .
Whether you're looking for entertainment, excitement or money, these guides can get exactly what you want in a simple, fast and effective.
Making Networking is a skill, competence, which may develop, and can make you achieve results that even images. As long as you follow the right strategies .
are in this infoprodotti.

Good luck.

Marco Machiorletti


How to Have the No. 1 personal and professional success of social networks

Authors: Gianluigi Ballarani Lorenzo De Santis and Bruno

Introduction STEP 1: Facebook for business success and
STEP 2: How to use Facebook professionally
STEP 3: How to use Facebook for success
STEP 4: How to be irresistible to Facebook and search for meaningful relationships
STEP 5: Keys to the viral sfruttrare Facebook
STEP 6: The connection between your blog and viral Facebook
STEP 7: Make marketing with Applications
STEP 8: 5 + 0 Rules Facebook marketing


Use to Improve Human and Social Networks in personal, professional and financial
Author: Stefano Bruno Calicchio

About the Author
Introduction Day 1: How to turn the switch on the network
Day 2: How to Learn the basics of Networking
Day 3: How to develop your network
Day 4: How to harness the power of network relations
Day 5: How to set up your own financial network
Day 6: How to use the network to make a career
Day 7: Health, Spirituality and Factor Network
Conclusion Bibliography

How to Use the Community MySpace to Create Publicity and Networking
Author: Rocco Bruno Petriglia

Introduction Day 0: The affiliate programs
Day 1 : What is MySpace (theoretical and practical introduction to a of the largest Internet community
Day 2: How to join MySpace
Day 3: Creating the Personal Profile
Day 4: How to Add Contacts
Day 5: How to Use the Comments (1 Instrument)
Day 6: How to use the Dashboard (2 ° Instrument)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What Connects The Bulb To The Ballast?


is no longer a mystery: the Internet is becoming the new frontier gain.
More and more companies are transferring their business online, dramatically reducing costs and achieving extraordinary profits .
But making money online is not unique to companies. All
can earn from a few to a few thousand euro € per month. But it is not a walk.

need time, commitment and strategy .
The result is attractive: generate automatic income of money. Earn while you sleep. achieve financial independence.

On the Internet there is no "luck of the amateur",
must be prepared .

's why I have chosen for you 4 infoprodotti full of strategies that are worth a fortune. Strategies that will put you conditions of gain from the first week .

Plan now your financial goals !

How to create a huge amount of traffic to your Business Online Uncontrollable
Author: Paolo Bruno Console

Introduction Step 1: The principle of "Big Ben"
Step 2: how to find winning keyword
Step 3: How to create a blog "hits"
Step 4: The money is in the list!
Step 5: Free Traffic with Article Marketing!
Step 6: Free Traffic with Viral Marketing
Step 7: Traffic
2.0 Conclusion

The new tools for creating a winning business on the Web
Author: Pasquale Bruno Honey

Introduction Day 1: How the Web 2.0 can make you earn
Day 2: How to work through affiliations
Day 3: How to use the tools of Web 2.0
Day 4: How to create your mailing list
Day 5: How to create and sell your product
Day 6: How to Create your multiple business
Day 7: How to plan your work

Strategy Guide to Earning Money with Online Auctions and the Secrets of
PowerSeller Author: James Bruno Bruno

Introduction Day 1: The New Secrets of eBay
Day 2 Win Auctions
Day 3: Become a PowerSeller
Day 4: Making the Sales
Day 5: Winning ads
Day 6: automatically
Day 7: Make Money without Selling Case Studies


methods to create from scratch a Website for Your Business Online
Author: Lorenzo De Santis Bruno

Introduction Part One: Make your own website.
Lessons Lesson 1: The potential of this system
Lesson 2: The first instruments to be used
Lesson 3: Measures to pre-install Website
Lesson 4: Your web site or e-commerce operating
Lesson 5: website features
Lesson 6: The layout of your website
Lesson 7: The administration of the site
Lesson 8: The power of content for visibility
Lesson 9: Joomla! And for the VirtueMart e-commerce site

Part Two: Tools and tricks to enhance a website
Day 1: The usability of e-commerce sites
Day 2: The SEO component for positioning
Day 3: Getting traffic from search engines
Day 4: Analyzing the success of websites
Day 5: Move new visitors on your web pages
Day 6: E-commerce websites for companies
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Selling. Craft
hard. Craft

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not waste any time, with his now this valuable opportunity!

Advanced Strategies for sellers of all levels
Author: Cesare D'Ambrosio
Bruno Editore

Introduction Day 1: The first steps
Day 2: How to improve sales
Day 3: communicate
Day 4: How to improve
Day 5: How to avoid traps
Day 6: How to win the customer
Day 7: How not to lose the customer
creative ideas and tips
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Becoming Excellent Sellers and opportunities Sale of
Authors: P. Bruno Scaravaggi and GLTorcicoda

Introduction Chapter 1: How to seize the opportunities of selling
Chapter 2: What you need to know and why (bureaucracy)
Chapter 3: How to grow quickly
Chapter 4: How to make your business strategies
Chapter 5: How to use the tricks of the trade
Chapter 6: How to improve your results using the secrets of the professionals
Chapter 7: How to make three alternative business

Advanced Communication Strategies, Persuasion and Negotiation!
Author: James Brown Bruno

Introduction Day 1: Plan
Trading Day 2: Create Instant
Tuning Day 3: Discover the Counterparty
Day 4: Technical Trading
Day 5: Close
Trading Day 6: Verbal Sleight of Hand
Day 7: Advanced Strategies

Friday, September 3, 2010

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of Marco Machiorletti
published in the book Target

Stanford Research Institute at Harvard University and the Carnegie Foundation have shown that 85% of the reason why you get a job, keep it and make career in the workplace has to do with your relationship skills . Only 15% of light is determined by your technical skills and your knowledge.

Our social skills may be the pass to our success, or a wall that will force us to always look at others from the bottom up.

A young philosopher was so good to build relationships that, once released his first book, many of his friends made a widespread word of mouth operation, reporting to the libraries and organized presentation of the book. The book got a great sales success.

This is the power relations .

There are few people who "know how to do" with others, and these few can get very far .
Think about it. Broadening your sphere of knowledge and to cultivate it could soon get in touch with people who could provide employment opportunities, recreation and learning.
You may find someone who shares your same passion, and could open a business with you.
You may find love.

Always remember that:
"To know" is only half the journey. You know how
cultivate. So yes it rained opportunities.

Want to improve your relationships with others? The
coaching will help you become aware of the situation and will guide you toward the results you want.
start now!

0 to 10 how would you rate your ability to build relationships?

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

how others see you?

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

How would you seen?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

best in your relationship skills?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

What has prevented from doing so far?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

What you can do immediately to improve the quality of your human relationships?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

What are the areas on which to work with more urgency, and which to deal with it later?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

What benefits you get improving your relationships with others and meeting new people?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Conversely, what it cost you not improve your relationship skills? How many opportunities are you missing? How many emotions you live and you're not living?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

What kind of person will you be when you have acquired social skills extraordinary?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Alfred Adler, the Viennese psychologist, explains: " is the individual who does not care what the other has more difficulties in life and that causes more harm to others. And these are individuals who fail in their intent .

Listen to others, make them feel important, talk about what they love, praise and encourage, not criticize them, but invite them to behave differently.
Learn to put yourself in others' shoes to understand them better.
Always keep the promise, offer favors and opportunities.
Smile, be happy, do not complain to others, help them make the best of themselves.

Marco Machiorletti
Practitioner NLP Professional Coach


do with your life A MASTERPIECE

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

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The blackmail of the "lesser evil"

Each election begins to spread through timely, hidden between the said and the unsaid, the blackmail of lesser evil. Blackmail that we feel constantly repeat the our companions, "if you do not vote PD wins him." Although the PD continues to candidates affected and investigated, although it continues to vote for the parliamentary immunity of any investigation of the judiciary, though, each time coming to terms with Berlusconi but to provide him an escape from prosecution, though. ..

We are told that the PD is the lesser evil. He did not make a law on conflict of interest when he could but he tried: he made do with what the conflict of interests, tell us that if we take a joke, that law is a monument , conflicts of interest. Parliamentary immunity? A shared reform ! Not to mention of the pardon: we all know what is served.

What would be the difference between a future government c Berlusconi Bersani and a primus ? Do you really think that Bersani, and PD in general, want (do not say successful, but only want to) stop the institutional conflict with the judiciary and renew ties? Does anyone really think that any law will be deleted shame, like the process or domezzamento expiry of limitation periods even after the first degree (former Cirielli)? Do you think that the goal of Bersani is to enhance the welfare (health, education, police ...), even if it increases, seriously, the fight against tax evasion? How do you want to believe that Bersani, finally, also provide Italy with a serious anti-trust legislation?

How can we believe that the PD wants to fight tax evasion, corruption, the Mafia seems to yearn for more air when an electoral alliance with the party that has almost no suspects and convicted of tax evasion / tax avoidance, corruption / bribery, facilitation / competition outside that suspicion. As if its not enough to PD.

In this situation you just have to resign. If the alternative is this better than Berlusconi. And mine is not irony, I'm serious. Better than the complete annihilation of liberal institutions in this limbo, so maybe someone back to free.