Saturday, October 30, 2010

How Long After Taking Lorazepam To Drink Alcohol


videocorso PUBLIC SPEAKING: review


Public Speaking ... Public speaking. One of the strongest fears of man, second only to death in the United Kingdom and the USA. Who speaks in public, you expose it to scrutiny by others, comments and any objections ... is called to engage , to understand all its message and motivate.
The Neuro Linguistic Programming has studied the best communicators and wondered what makes different from others. E Giacomo Bruno
, in his video course Public Speaking , there are illustrated. This allows us to be able riosservare several times to improve our understanding of matter and to assess our progress . We also always a public speaker to emulate ... James!

As the great Dale Carnegie , "The best way to public speaking is public speaking," then, once viewed, get immediately work, as you can and in most contexts, "

James focuses on the three principles of communication in public: presenter, the audience and message .
Each public speaker is asked to evaluate various aspects.
First their movitazioni (What? Why me? "What is extraordinary in what I have to say?). then dwells on the fears , and explains an exercise," bridge on the future ", to change their mental images and feelings. From fear to go to stress management : it is first analyzed posture, which should be well centered. It is suggested an exercise that I have never read so far, that of the straight lines of light . Who knows?
centered posture is one that transmits more security to us and to others, and - I might add - it is almost mandatory in the process of reasoning in the strict sense. And after
posture is called into question the gestures. How should it be? Spontaneous. There will be natural, provided that we are quiet.
are also suggested some small details when we communicate our thoughts, gestures with inclusive and exclusive ... and that the course of public speaking that I after they had taught me not ....
Walking around the room. You can: the important thing is that when we say something really important we stop and we stress the whole body. We can also create anchors
space, and we will see this more in depth when I set up training courses;).
Chairs, desks, chairs, etc are all things that remove communication. The second pillar is the
public, and the first thing we learn is how empathize with our audience.
How? Through tracing , and then the guide . All well-reasoned and thorough.
Another way to be implemented together with the previous one, is to use a multisensory language to involve the same extent as visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
It 'a good idea to also vary the tones of voice , and take breaks wisely. Besides tracing the
minutes, rated on communication, it is advisable to get in tune, in rapport, even at the cultural and emotional. And we are told what to do.
Another way to create rapport and make a good setup . We must try to trace people in their thoughts, understand what they have in mind and tell us first.
It 'a good idea to set a series of objections and rules of anticipation. With a good seput can "defuse " the infamous "killer seminar" :)
Another important point: it is wrong to label people! run the risk of losing flexibility and tuning.
.. And now we come to a crucial ... the management of the gaze.
James examines all the characteristics of effective look. From personal experience, especially on the management of the look, I advise you to practice right away.
One of the great things of this video course, in fact, is that they are also analyzed our most common mistakes, then we can easily correct and improve our communication skills.
Management silence. Silence is not an enemy to be avoided like the plague, but a powerful weapon in our favor, we can create suspense ... You will see how to do it better.
INSTRUMENTS There is another important step towards establishing rapport: the questions. Questions of clarity of understanding, experience (the latter for powerful evoke moods), usability. Powerful instruments, with many examples!
Applications are also a great way to release stress
Who application commands, remember this. From these questions, we can calibrate the people, and we can even use them to reshoot objections to the public.
Finally, we analyzed the MESSAGE , with the metaphor of flight: takeoff , flight, landing .
George Bernard Shaw: "The take-off I tell you what I will tell you, then I tell the flight, and then, in the landing, I tell you what I said."

All points of LAUNCH:
- the thing
- the time frame;
- logistical information;
- the whys;
- the current state and desired state;
- benefits;
- the like;
- dealing with applications, management exercises;
- the round table (slide shows);
- the anticipation of objections

Every point is covered and there is clearly an example of the proposed take-off.
It 's very important to tell the public how to deal with their doubts, their questions .. if not tell him right away, we will have problems later. And there is also suggested how to deal with the questions that we do not know answer!
The best way to manage objections is to anticipate , and makes us the example of management of some of the most common objections made to it in the presentation of his book on seduction.

advance, do not suggest , and to do that we must calibrate well public.
The main objective is to take off intrigue, attracting the attention of .
first curious, then I expose my ideas ... in ...
FLIGHT , with its specific structure and its specific characteristics:
- the central idea;
- 3 / 4 major points;
- stories and anecdotes;
- nested loops.

We are the examples, and we have the opportunity to take inspiration from them.
James tells us how great is the power of stories, and nested loops ("stories within stories"), itself an advanced technique that I taught the course in public speaking and the company was another seems obvious to me ...

And finally ... 's LANDING! which includes:
- the summary;
- the call to action;
- empowering suggestions.

then summarize what has been said (in the course of memory that I followed the list some time ago we did during a visualization exercise, and it was a wonderful experience), give a direction, and install a range of ideas to make other people remain more satisfied , and to spur action even after some time.

After watching the video course start immediately to get in game and most times you can practice : told some anecdotes of friends at a table, make a few comments at a news conference during a meeting, etc.. opportunities to practice and improve are limitless!


Marco Machiorletti


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