intervention of the Bruno Paladini (FI) on n.4/2008
examining the issue of the current majority, one can not under-phasizing that The results were quite unsatisfactory cent and that the situation of the territory and its inhabitants is significantly degraded by a number of unresolved issues. The left-wing majority, formally coherent, is divided into all its components. The Mayor is discouraged not only because at the end of its term and no longer re-elect-able, but not being able to pursue more pro-Prie choices being in the minority within the Democratic Party, controlled by the new coordinator Raphael. With a similar situation faction of government is strongly conditioned to the obvious detriment of the community. Let's look at some highlights. URBAN AND
'urban expansion was permitted wild-ture, without an overview of the area and without any pro-gramming of services and the consequent needs (classrooms, roads, social system), so be prepared, a realization occurred, and consequently forced to chase the problems arising for the surge of new residents.
It should be emphasized further the destruction of our product costs from the wicked policy in over a decade by the authorities in at the left of our town. The bankruptcy-to is still there for everyone. The delegation of the Region to the City of Montemarciano for the realization of the interventions made at the time with public money (10 billion old lire) has proved completely wrong Wrong was the type of interventions carried out. Irresponsible was the ACCEPTANCE-ne of the delegation concerned by the municipality of Montemarciano, when the competence was and is exclusively regional. Lammontare funding at the time granted by the region to solve the problem of erosion of the local coastline, has effectively led to the exclusion of the allocation of new resources to the City of Montemarciano, identified as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (2007) between the Ministry of the Environment and the Marche Region for 2007-2009. For the City of Montemarciano in this Agreement, has been provided for the sum of 550,000 euros (already spent) only for studies and research on the type of gravel to be used for future beach nourishment, minds and where to find it. All other costs Marches Comunidella interested in the same phenomenon had several million Euros each for interventions already partly realized and partly done in 2009. Our Administration has tried in every way to hide the news of this exclusion to citizenship, but the minority is, however, meet-growth, through its own channels, to come to knowledge. This lack of funding is the im-plied and clear admission of failure of the strategy so far adopted by the City of Montemarciano to solve the problem of coastal erosion. POLO SCHOOL
II marked increase population, also being subsequent to the numerous subdivisions prevedibilissimo authorized capital has created a shortage of classrooms for primary schools on average. RAmministrazione awareness of this problem is-the, by including in the 2008 budget for the expenditure of five million euros for the realization of an I-school pole-surfaces including new editions are intended for that function. What is not clear is the result-ing mode of obtaining the necessary funds, since there is still no financial avail-ability in the municipal coffers. What is indisputable in any case is that new schools should be built, Since the problem of shortage of classrooms real and very urgent, con-tinues to deteriorate further over time.
our territory has long been concerned by ongoing thefts carried out in private houses. Every citizen living in constant fear that this phenomenon may directly concern with the possibility of maybe lead to more serious incidents. EAmministrazione has no place in any measure to be groped reverse this situation. A similar no-action was with a large number of states for re-sale of counterfeit goods over the summer have not affected the-beach Montemarciano, contrary to what is done instead in the neighboring towns from other ministries. MUNICIPAL WASTE RECYCLING
The implementation of separate collection ta in our town is long overdue. LAmministrazione Montemarciano, l'ambito Union of Municipalities in-part of which the service is com-pletely immobile, Urgen The question is-and you very current and the lack of implementation can not be charged to the expectation of the epidemic logo of the municipal affairs of CAM, the current owner of the service. Should we have put in a decisive manner the problem for some time and not wait passively for the situation was defined.
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