All the sea! ... to admire the Gulf of Montemarciano and parking upon payment really true that the arrogance of power and the nerve there is never the limit! We have been accused of making demagoguery, but in charging could not avoid writing the usual nonsense, evi-dent and dramatic sign of their inherent with the belief of being the ra-addirittu migliori.Ci accused of being disrespectful, as if we had the mac-chiati guilty of high treason having dared to appoint in vain for the names of the fathers in our noble Comune.Per be precise we would like to emphasize that the term populism (read the dictionary) refers to a political behavior inclined axis-season expectations of the people, based on the perception of their needs, a meaning-gees dispre behavior that uses phrases reto-riche and expresses inconsistent promises to the electorate for the academic-Parr, often making lever on irrational feelings, and fueling the fear or hatred of enemies or political opponents. In other words, is the activity of political demagoguery that, in view of his support, urges the people to do something against his own interests, by diverting the perception of these needs reali.Per alls, then, we'd National Alliance so ... but please! Truth is that the political majority is in serious crisis of credibility and consent for a long tem-po (remember the results of provincial elections, with five local candidates and major hemorrhage of consensus candidate for the Olive Tree, which was not directly elected) is also strongly conditioned by internal problems caused by the ambition of the individual and the power games that will determine the choices for the future candidate for mayor, and it is to mask these difficulties they prefer to attack the minority confused with argument-ment to say little far-fetched. We refer to our will (in their opinion) you want to see Cammi into the inward-row Indian pedestrians along Via IV Novembre, if it was covered by dozens of people every day, perhaps from the pedestrian walkway that leads to gabelle which is none other than the testimony of the waste made by our administrators. We also highlight the great lie on the request for access to funds derived from 8 per thousand for the restructuring of Mandracchio-ing, sent from this community who, according to them, was penalized by the Berlusconi government then in office, we ask why should promote this as an Administration that never missed an opportunity to involve the City Council votes in heavily ideological and contrary to any action of that democratically elected government and taking into account the tan-little income claims made to the relevant ministry. However, they should explain why the worst government in history-no Republican led (?) By Prof. Prodi's administration Cingolani has not received funding in question? Perhaps be-cause their political weight outside the municipal area is devoid of thick? The real icing on the cake then, they have made do not wish to accept the "lesson in democracy" which, ac-cording to them, all AN would like to give this administration disorien-nanny: they argue, in fact, that a petition of 50 signatures is as good as one of 300 that calls the exact contrario.Evidentemente while establishing Democrats, their functioning democracy-na a bit 'to sob, and to not be in power in our common not because they are beautiful, tan-to less sympathetic, and certainly not the most intelligent of the minority, but have received 4200 votes against intelligence Our 1173. We want to convince? If I go home! Pending Caccini them citizens, we want to return to the choice of the Mayor and his Councillors of realizing a pay parking on the waterfront spending more than € 500 thousand obtained with a mortgage should be repaid by the paying ticket (the scratch card?), or so-compartment ave said, but later wrote that the money to make it more pleasing our covering the costs of reclaiming the waterfront, one of two things, the Mayor or City Council to mind, or mind to the citizens. They have the ideas a little 'confused, or pen-that many people will be healthy in all car parks on our beautiful waterfront ex. Yeah! Because once there was a lot close to Marina beach and all free, now there is a narrow strip of gravel and the whole given a concession so that families and young people who want to go to sea on the beach, must now make a few km and reach the area where for years the City and Region have been testing against erosion squandering our money without getting anything but the advance of the erosive phenomenon to the housing stock nord.Considerata then to the dramatic situation is good to do a bit of clarity on the situation recalling what happened a few years ago and that is when the Marche Region in 1995 gave negative opinion on the construc-tion of the cliffs with a brush because it would trigger Potu-to erosion of the coast further north, but some months later, after many meetings, changed his mind by allowing the same project ... miracles of politics? Who knows! The weather is a gentleman, and now the results are there for all to see. Demagoguery (the real one) knows no bounds, and so even today the Mayor and Councillors continue to demand the building of the scogliere.Sarebbe should not deceive our fellow citizens, but to engage possible so our territory and our citizens are rewarded by the sacrifices that have to do: do not delude ourselves, the destiny of our waterfront is marked by the vetoes ran into the neighboring municipalities. The Regional Municipality with our support including social investment to provide new spaces for citizenship because his goal is to create the Gulf of Montemarciano ie a zone where the sea has broken loose, there are studies of more than twenty years old are in this direction. The conclusion is always the same, we're talking about public safety or is a part of the bib-coast: Montemarciano is the element debole.In conclusion let us a quote: philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, French historian and politician claimed that where there is a democratic system, the majority "decide" and does not take into account the view expressed by the minority that can instead be authoritative or sometimes more appropriate to the particular- to the context in this regard include for example, our warnings: 1) against the transactions-financial swaps (derivatives), immediately accused of demagoguery, but soon proved right with subsequent reverse-te of the Executive 's extinction anticipated in order, 2) with operations in the City Council to promote the school building and now we all know how late and uncomfortable, and 3) against the pro-ject megalomaniac with the Ancona soccer miseramen-ended you and with large sums of money to be returned to the bank, 4) with actions against the way in Via IV Novembre, where today we write, we can only speculate another about-turn , hence the concept of despotism or dictatorship of the majority: this sce-something daughters and the minority has had little room to adjust the picture of reality dissentire.Praticamente montemarcianese where in 2006 Mayor and Aldermen decided to reduce the time of ignition street lighting to save 20 thousand euros per year and 2008 will increase the allowance because we have more than 10 inhabitants per rnila a to-tal cost of about 14,650 € / year. Citizens and interests shall comply, period.
Group National Alliance Montemarciano
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