Friday, November 28, 2008

Who To Address A Beauty Therapy Cover Letter To

SIXTEENTH TO THE HEART! Celebrate the 5000


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Kardas Bulding Instruction

VISITS !!!...


Monday, November 24, 2008

Converse Double Upper


... he could have done differently. Last night we lost a good opportunity to stay in the slipstream of Inter, but we went to -3. Do not have to do dramas, of course, but the regret is there for a game we could and had to take down first! How
in Lecce we were joined after being in the lead, with the difference that last night of the Turin tuttosommato it deserved. A
played well the first time allowed us to reverse the initial advantage grenade, with Pato and almost always scores when he plays with the usual last night that Ronaldinho has finally unsheathed one of his terrible punishment at the intersection. The second time, in our opinion is to reject. Instead of closing the match AC Milan forward is oddly unbalanced, leaving the defense unguarded and at the same time without closing the game as it should have, leaving the field on the Taurus more than once worried us, and finally reached the same penalty kick ... oh yes a penalty kick!
Without falling into that victimhood is so dear to Our cousins \u200b\u200bin their lean times, we can definitely say that if Milan last night it took him to get his match by the referee Farina Toro from Novi Ligure has not been outdone. And he, Farina, that last year in Palermo there combined with cooked and uncooked flour ... Bravo! Just look at the images that we report in the two videos below to see why this account. Oh well! Are finally satisfied those who were crying too many penalties assigned to us until now (even cry when they are in the lead, phenomenal!), And when last night we heard our Kaladze (who speaks a little) that the company violated instructions went TV and told him "in face in flour that is a POOR! ... well, let us say, a bit of satisfaction that we tried it!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Highest Score On Cubefield

inform our membership card that :

- Sunday, December 7th we are organizing a bus to the race MILAN-CATANIA, which will take place at 15.00.

Considering that the next day is a holiday we trust a good turnout.

- Saturday, December 13 at the restaurant "The Canadian" will be held at Caldara di Ortona the traditional CHRISTMAS DINNER.
will be an opportunity to exchange greetings and spend a happy evening. Obviously, the invitation is open to all members and their families and friends.

The cost of dinner is € 25 for adults and € 15 for children.
We are sure that you respond in mass, as always!

Whether for travel and for dinner it is desirable to book in advance so that we can organize for meglio.Grazie

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Polaris Xtra 10 Suspension Setup


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ap Bio Lab One Diffusion


Some members of the Milan Club Ortona G. Rivera "on Barcelona on the occasion of the famous European Cup final of 1989 Milan-Steaua

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mountains Piano Biffy Clyro


intervention of the Maurizio Grilli (AN) on n. 4 / 2008

We would like to begin by apologizing to readers for the non-publication of our article in the last issue of this period-mo to avoid future recurrence of these events, not can we afford to conceal, because we have a space a tight so we have to tell you about our ini-tiatives and to address the many problems that afflict our community and our area so badly governed by this Mayor and this Board that instead devoted its space-care of their substantial (? ) and important (?) initiatives dealing with us and our style of politics. It is not the first time and thank you for your attention, we want to remind you gentlemen that AN has long tried to be collaborative and proactive in full respect of its role of opposition in exchange for biased and ideological closures only -that: there are no documents to confirm that we have presented the city council in recent years with whom we have requested, invited Committee, pledged that majority on multiplicity issues, initiatives often shared by administrators in words of this poor center-left local, but disregarded in practice. Will their style? Does not matter, up space just because we want to remain dedicated to the initiative-tion that we launched in August that aims to restore the beach to the Marina again present for a maximum dif-fusion for it to be dammed any instrument mentalization by some very bad politician.
Once upon a time "the beach Casebruciate," was that which existed before the railway station, was once the beach of Marina and was the area north of the mouth of the Rubiano. Today it is no longer a cause-known of the devastating erosion that is taking away all the sand, but also for the organization they wanted the beach Administrations of the center. So we decided to pro-pose a solution to the demands for improvement of the current situation. In
City Council in July, has been discussed here with a question-we asked her to the Mayor and council: l) had received (like us) many-tions and reports required to return the beach closest to the liberal-ra 'town of Marina, 2) whether retention compartment needed to improve the situation by trying to limit the inconvenience to so many families now forced to move farther north (zone brushes). The answer was no reply within silent satisfied despite count-ness confirmation about the demands of citizenship in order to enjoy the beach for public use near the underpass Buglioni because while it did not contain any other data, but the reference to the organization-tion of the coastal city as well as already planned since 1999 with the "detailed plan of the areas intended to bea-ogy and related services." An instrument urban-stich, the latter is no longer effective because designed more than 10 years ago and everyone knows what the waterfront is Montemarciano
changed in recent years because of for-you and devastating effects caused by erosion .
So, faced with the unwillingness the City Council to propose corrective measures for better organ-isation of the promenade, we decided to lan-Ciare this proposal to the Mayor and his Councillors Cingolani demands that already bea-free area now given in concession, but expires next year. Eare in ques-tion is now known as the Association Batana grant, which we believe should be relocated close to the areas where there are already groups for help, then a few hundred meters further north. Start by pointing out that we do not want to be accused of wanting to penalize the Association, but many, perhaps all citizens to understand that although the Navy about sixty-seater boat takes you, only just over a decade Imbar-tions are "thrown into the water" at every bathing season, while too many families are forced to reach the only public beach to the north with the discomfort also increased by pay parking. The City Council must provide for a variation to the beach for a better reorganization plan dell'Arenile especially near the Navy, once said as much as amended by the aggression of erosion, but where in that area today is the granting to the Batana 'still only effectively protected cement, so this is a privileged area we believe is right is enjoyed by all alike, so we share requests that come to us by the citizens themselves. We are sure that the element of surprise also disposed of the same members of the Association will provide this community and give up their privilege. Close this document was delivered to many homes in the Marina by stating that, as always criticize us, but we make proposals, they say and write the real lies by demagoguery! In this regard we close this article with NA-notation of political marriages expert who signed the article in the PD in the last num-ber of this journal, highlighting the sub-adviser toscritto never said Maurizio Grilli and wrote in favor of the bank-recognition to fight erosion, indeed, the os-preservation made the extraordinary Council of June related to an assessment on the possibility of "remove" to comb the reefs and submerged reposition and further offshore, parallel to the coast. Obviously someone is a bit 'absent-minded, perhaps because he has not yet disposed of the embarrassment to a lack of "direct election" in the Province debacle caused by a strong consensus, perhaps because the best effort that is deep in the party struggles intemai for the succession to Prof. Cingolani.
The satirist Jonathan Swift wrote a short treatise on the political lie. According to the author, the political lie is the art of convincing the people, the art of giving false statements to inten-tion of some good end. Arts invention called the effort that must be always a-brate good end what it is for those who make a profession of political lie. How many times have read that dealt with the adversity of our local center?

Rotronic Logistics 12.02.1086 Treiber


intervention of the Bruno Paladini (FI) on n.4/2008

examining the issue of the current majority, one can not under-phasizing that The results were quite unsatisfactory cent and that the situation of the territory and its inhabitants is significantly degraded by a number of unresolved issues. The left-wing majority, formally coherent, is divided into all its components. The Mayor is discouraged not only because at the end of its term and no longer re-elect-able, but not being able to pursue more pro-Prie choices being in the minority within the Democratic Party, controlled by the new coordinator Raphael. With a similar situation faction of government is strongly conditioned to the obvious detriment of the community. Let's look at some highlights. URBAN AND

'urban expansion was permitted wild-ture, without an overview of the area and without any pro-gramming of services and the consequent needs (classrooms, roads, social system), so be prepared, a realization occurred, and consequently forced to chase the problems arising for the surge of new residents.
It should be emphasized further the destruction of our product costs from the wicked policy in over a decade by the authorities in at the left of our town. The bankruptcy-to is still there for everyone. The delegation of the Region to the City of Montemarciano for the realization of the interventions made at the time with public money (10 billion old lire) has proved completely wrong Wrong was the type of interventions carried out. Irresponsible was the ACCEPTANCE-ne of the delegation concerned by the municipality of Montemarciano, when the competence was and is exclusively regional. Lammontare funding at the time granted by the region to solve the problem of erosion of the local coastline, has effectively led to the exclusion of the allocation of new resources to the City of Montemarciano, identified as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (2007) between the Ministry of the Environment and the Marche Region for 2007-2009. For the City of Montemarciano in this Agreement, has been provided for the sum of 550,000 euros (already spent) only for studies and research on the type of gravel to be used for future beach nourishment, minds and where to find it. All other costs Marches Comunidella interested in the same phenomenon had several million Euros each for interventions already partly realized and partly done in 2009. Our Administration has tried in every way to hide the news of this exclusion to citizenship, but the minority is, however, meet-growth, through its own channels, to come to knowledge. This lack of funding is the im-plied and clear admission of failure of the strategy so far adopted by the City of Montemarciano to solve the problem of coastal erosion. POLO SCHOOL

II marked increase population, also being subsequent to the numerous subdivisions prevedibilissimo authorized capital has created a shortage of classrooms for primary schools on average. RAmministrazione awareness of this problem is-the, by including in the 2008 budget for the expenditure of five million euros for the realization of an I-school pole-surfaces including new editions are intended for that function. What is not clear is the result-ing mode of obtaining the necessary funds, since there is still no financial avail-ability in the municipal coffers. What is indisputable in any case is that new schools should be built, Since the problem of shortage of classrooms real and very urgent, con-tinues to deteriorate further over time.
our territory has long been concerned by ongoing thefts carried out in private houses. Every citizen living in constant fear that this phenomenon may directly concern with the possibility of maybe lead to more serious incidents. EAmministrazione has no place in any measure to be groped reverse this situation. A similar no-action was with a large number of states for re-sale of counterfeit goods over the summer have not affected the-beach Montemarciano, contrary to what is done instead in the neighboring towns from other ministries. MUNICIPAL WASTE RECYCLING

The implementation of separate collection ta in our town is long overdue. LAmministrazione Montemarciano, l'ambito Union of Municipalities in-part of which the service is com-pletely immobile, Urgen The question is-and you very current and the lack of implementation can not be charged to the expectation of the epidemic logo of the municipal affairs of CAM, the current owner of the service. Should we have put in a decisive manner the problem for some time and not wait passively for the situation was defined.

Friday, November 14, 2008

How To Release Airlock Underfloor Heating


All the sea! ... to admire the Gulf of Montemarciano and parking upon payment really true that the arrogance of power and the nerve there is never the limit! We have been accused of making demagoguery, but in charging could not avoid writing the usual nonsense, evi-dent and dramatic sign of their inherent with the belief of being the ra-addirittu migliori.Ci accused of being disrespectful, as if we had the mac-chiati guilty of high treason having dared to appoint in vain for the names of the fathers in our noble Comune.Per be precise we would like to emphasize that the term populism (read the dictionary) refers to a political behavior inclined axis-season expectations of the people, based on the perception of their needs, a meaning-gees dispre behavior that uses phrases reto-riche and expresses inconsistent promises to the electorate for the academic-Parr, often making lever on irrational feelings, and fueling the fear or hatred of enemies or political opponents. In other words, is the activity of political demagoguery that, in view of his support, urges the people to do something against his own interests, by diverting the perception of these needs reali.Per alls, then, we'd National Alliance so ... but please! Truth is that the political majority is in serious crisis of credibility and consent for a long tem-po (remember the results of provincial elections, with five local candidates and major hemorrhage of consensus candidate for the Olive Tree, which was not directly elected) is also strongly conditioned by internal problems caused by the ambition of the individual and the power games that will determine the choices for the future candidate for mayor, and it is to mask these difficulties they prefer to attack the minority confused with argument-ment to say little far-fetched. We refer to our will (in their opinion) you want to see Cammi into the inward-row Indian pedestrians along Via IV Novembre, if it was covered by dozens of people every day, perhaps from the pedestrian walkway that leads to gabelle which is none other than the testimony of the waste made by our administrators. We also highlight the great lie on the request for access to funds derived from 8 per thousand for the restructuring of Mandracchio-ing, sent from this community who, according to them, was penalized by the Berlusconi government then in office, we ask why should promote this as an Administration that never missed an opportunity to involve the City Council votes in heavily ideological and contrary to any action of that democratically elected government and taking into account the tan-little income claims made to the relevant ministry. However, they should explain why the worst government in history-no Republican led (?) By Prof. Prodi's administration Cingolani has not received funding in question? Perhaps be-cause their political weight outside the municipal area is devoid of thick? The real icing on the cake then, they have made do not wish to accept the "lesson in democracy" which, ac-cording to them, all AN would like to give this administration disorien-nanny: they argue, in fact, that a petition of 50 signatures is as good as one of 300 that calls the exact contrario.Evidentemente while establishing Democrats, their functioning democracy-na a bit 'to sob, and to not be in power in our common not because they are beautiful, tan-to less sympathetic, and certainly not the most intelligent of the minority, but have received 4200 votes against intelligence Our 1173. We want to convince? If I go home! Pending Caccini them citizens, we want to return to the choice of the Mayor and his Councillors of realizing a pay parking on the waterfront spending more than € 500 thousand obtained with a mortgage should be repaid by the paying ticket (the scratch card?), or so-compartment ave said, but later wrote that the money to make it more pleasing our covering the costs of reclaiming the waterfront, one of two things, the Mayor or City Council to mind, or mind to the citizens. They have the ideas a little 'confused, or pen-that many people will be healthy in all car parks on our beautiful waterfront ex. Yeah! Because once there was a lot close to Marina beach and all free, now there is a narrow strip of gravel and the whole given a concession so that families and young people who want to go to sea on the beach, must now make a few km and reach the area where for years the City and Region have been testing against erosion squandering our money without getting anything but the advance of the erosive phenomenon to the housing stock nord.Considerata then to the dramatic situation is good to do a bit of clarity on the situation recalling what happened a few years ago and that is when the Marche Region in 1995 gave negative opinion on the construc-tion of the cliffs with a brush because it would trigger Potu-to erosion of the coast further north, but some months later, after many meetings, changed his mind by allowing the same project ... miracles of politics? Who knows! The weather is a gentleman, and now the results are there for all to see. Demagoguery (the real one) knows no bounds, and so even today the Mayor and Councillors continue to demand the building of the scogliere.Sarebbe should not deceive our fellow citizens, but to engage possible so our territory and our citizens are rewarded by the sacrifices that have to do: do not delude ourselves, the destiny of our waterfront is marked by the vetoes ran into the neighboring municipalities. The Regional Municipality with our support including social investment to provide new spaces for citizenship because his goal is to create the Gulf of Montemarciano ie a zone where the sea has broken loose, there are studies of more than twenty years old are in this direction. The conclusion is always the same, we're talking about public safety or is a part of the bib-coast: Montemarciano is the element debole.In conclusion let us a quote: philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, French historian and politician claimed that where there is a democratic system, the majority "decide" and does not take into account the view expressed by the minority that can instead be authoritative or sometimes more appropriate to the particular- to the context in this regard include for example, our warnings: 1) against the transactions-financial swaps (derivatives), immediately accused of demagoguery, but soon proved right with subsequent reverse-te of the Executive 's extinction anticipated in order, 2) with operations in the City Council to promote the school building and now we all know how late and uncomfortable, and 3) against the pro-ject megalomaniac with the Ancona soccer miseramen-ended you and with large sums of money to be returned to the bank, 4) with actions against the way in Via IV Novembre, where today we write, we can only speculate another about-turn , hence the concept of despotism or dictatorship of the majority: this sce-something daughters and the minority has had little room to adjust the picture of reality dissentire.Praticamente montemarcianese where in 2006 Mayor and Aldermen decided to reduce the time of ignition street lighting to save 20 thousand euros per year and 2008 will increase the allowance because we have more than 10 inhabitants per rnila a to-tal cost of about 14,650 € / year. Citizens and interests shall comply, period.

Group National Alliance Montemarciano

Auto Insurance Pain And Suffering

II 13:14 of April the elections were held in Italy-ing policies in a climate of civil competition and without incident. On behalf of all was a great expectation in relation to the catastrophic state of the Italian reality-which required a change to the gui-da in the country capable of providing a drastic reversal of the government, which tends to address the rapidly serious problems. All this happened with the great victory of the voters- that the Italians intended to confer on the People of Freedom 'and its President Berlusconi, who, with his charisma, had the great merit of having been able to intercept and understand the needs and expectations of the country. A major con-tribute to this positive result was given by the various components of the PDL, such as FI, AN and other formations such as the DC of Round, Self Raffaele Lombardi, and the proportion that the UDC did not follow CASINI , the Northern League which, with its splendid results supported the North to victory. The percentages of the vote (8 / 9 points more in favor of the center-right in both the House and Senate) have confirmed the pre-election polls and the fact that there has ever been during the campaign no doubt about which training could be the winner. The results were important and crucial for creating a situation of certain governance in both Houses of Parliament, in addition to the total disappearance of the Parliament of representatives of the parties of the Left and the Right Rainbow - Santanche 'has in fact contributed to a situation of bipolarity in the future that will allow a simplification in the democratic change the country's leader.
The new government inherited a country in shambles, which is characterized by problem-incancrenitesi serious situations in time and whose solutions require determination, commitment by all and especially in dealing with clear ideas into action and Mr Berlusconi has never denied that this will also require the implementation of measures is not always popular, but in having this awareness that the Italians fully understand the need to move decisively and without delay. The time of vetoes by the members of the PD and in particular the Left extremist who was paralyzed and heavily influenced the share-it of the Prodi government is over! Opposition to the future government (PD) do not be deceived: in the PDL is the best agreement between the various anime policies. A quick FI and AN be fed with equal dignity in the PDL, to realize, according to the planned journey, a new moderate center-right political entity.
The Italians still lived on his own skin-really dramatic! This refers to:
Decreased purchasing power of salaries and pensions, many families can no longer reach-ing the end of the month: left Prodi's government has done nothing to try to reverse this situation;
Security: There are no more safe places in which to feel safe even at home; occur constantly and everywhere Delit-ous facts, such as robberies, rapes and violence. The police experienced a fall funding for its institutional activities with resultant inability even to recruit new staff;
Illegal immigration: Italy is the soft underbelly of the EU, all may enter without authori-tion, however, think they can get away with it and stay in Italy because, if taken, is provisional vised to their expulsion only on paper, finishing with thicken the ranks of the crime. It 'obliga-go but did mention that he was in favor of immigration flows bulls programmed according to market requirements;
garbage in Naples: it is a shame Arri-served to be a situation such as that currently exist-ing in Campania. 11 message that is perceived abroad is that the problem affects all of Italy, is a frightening picture of the fall. It 's absurd that policy makers of this emergency continue to operate without resign!
Alitalia: the flag of our society, even in its correct operation of flight, producing only a terrible deficit weighing on the community, for man-agement and unproductive patronage of the Company (8000 have been identified redundant staff). The solution is not watering down to re-AIR FRANCE and lost our flag carrier, the correct alter-native is indicated by Mr Berlusconi, a group of entrepreneurs Italians, with the subsequent search for partnership;
taxation: the level of taxation in Italy is one of the highest in Europe. The outgoing government has created a police state tax unsustainable. The new government's commitment is to reduce taxation at the heart of the legislature-so about 3 percentage points, depending upon the existing economic situation. In the first Council of Ministers will be decided on the abolition of the ICI and tax on first homes and overtime premiums
Justice: Justice is pointing to a cer-ta and efficient, based on dell'applicazio-tion of existing laws or EMA-new nation, in addition to a decreased crease the speed of trials and the completion of the separation of the careers of judges;
costs of politics: the new government's agenda-crease a decrease of costs, starting to cut the number of ministers, deputy ministers and secretaries, to interest then local authorities (decrease-ri-tion of recommended) and the Mountain Communities,-mortgages, and the evolution of interest rate mortgages created in many families heavy additional costs. The new government will intervene in the banking system to a solution of the problem!
Fiscal Federalism: The application of this prin-ciple, now universally recognized as valid-do, will direct all Italian regions to have a virtuous behavior in terms of administra-tion of public, institutional and electoral reforms
: Berlusconi's government, together with the opposition will proceed as agreed pre- elections, a revision of the Parliament and the rules governing their activities and the electoral law;
Oil: the awareness that the reasons for the increasing cost of oil are mainly from outside the country you intend to intervene in the internal causes that contribute to further cost increments (excise and petroleum);
Internal development: the estimated internal growth for 2008 is at its lowest (0.3% of GDP), which means stagnation / recession in the Italian. Having in mind that this has influenced considerably the known-world crisis and in the light of the fact that our growth forecast for this' rig is the lowest in the EU, the new government will proceed to implement new measures which would put into motion the national economy.
trust in the ability, entrepreneurship, vision and political pragmatism of President BERLUSCON1 and all future members of his government to solve the serious problems facing the country, certain that those who have expressed no- endorsed the PDL (and other successes-tively), are convinced that only a government center - right in this sense can operate with the utmost skill, determination and sense of responsibility. Forza Italy there

Parent Council Chamber Bruno Paladini

Market Capitalisation For Ftse

the right settings

About half of next year the citizens of Montemarciano will be invited to vote for new elections. The current mayor can no longer contribute to the re-election for having already completed the job for two terms consecutivi.Questo has done the inevitable repercussions on the current actions of the government's responsible, no longer influenced by the consensus electoral roll, moving with unusual determination in fact taking little account of people's expectations, this facilitated by participation in formal and not very decisive majority of its members, mostly working for some time to monitor each other and to the brigade successione.Tale already open race for the decision, which could appear positive, in fact contains within itself the danger of facing risky choices (such as the story dell'Ancona Football) or forced (installation of new infrastructure in the industrial center Gabella) not always meet the needs of collettività.Ci refers, inter alia, several cases of people already in "concerted planning", meant the possibility that the Administration has to agree in this area with private course in the face of an economic return, to be implemented in public works so finanziate.E 'We believe that as a result of a decrease in funding from the center local authorities, this mode of operation represents the future in concrete terms for municipalities, but also in this field should be placed in entrepreneurship, open-mindedness, objectivity and transparency. It seems quite obvious that choices like these have great impact and repercussions on the territory and throughout the community, helping to determine the future quality of life and should therefore be identified and taken with the utmost prudence and foresight, but also shared with all the forces politiche.I first cases of concerted planning made by the Administration were not marked by these criteria, and produce generally more favorable to private (example: finding the area for the construction of sports center dell'Ancona Football). E 'must be part of the current directors to identify a proper and fair public-private balance of capital gains realizations that these generate, so as to safeguard the interests and needs of collettività.Questi principles will be expected to find immediate application in the cases currently in progress and the process which and bureaucratic planning has already begun, such as urban regeneration of the town of Marina, which provides, inter alia, the creation of a new square with the contribution of individuals and the sale to third parties, monetization of a portion of the area for the creation of the sports center dell'Ancona calcium, due to the City as a result of the above-mentioned. The Administration will also provide a legal instrument that, by treating these issues, indicating the correct ratio (percentage of capital gains) between the Administration and private contractors in similar situations, thus avoiding subjective interpretations for the future to the detriment of citizens.
Bruno Paladini Group Leader of the Council Chamber Forza Italy

Calgary Old School Bmx


We begin 2008 with an article ironic. Let's just hope not to disturb too many souls to left-center in our town. Let us therefore recommend to our administrators busy most of the introduction of our tour guide at the next municipal area which could act like this: Welcome to the Cingolandia common way streets and roundabouts, where the houses grow like mushrooms and where there is nessuno.Abbiamo ever say no to the local press recently learned that this year will be dedicated to roads and urban planning. Carrying out additional roundabouts and maybe some other way all seasoned by the construction of any other subdivision as a Montemarciano The Major in Marina.Evidentemente eager to demonstrate to the many voters who rewarded them in 2004 that are able to change things, believe they must focus their efforts with those interventions that are definitely making its mark among the public understand locale.Vorremmo what strategy lies behind the administrative action of the Mayor and his Councillors, what is the goal in terms of population growth? The
15 thousand inhabitants?
recall the statement on the school construction priorities, we are happy with the start of work on the nursery and hope for their timely implementation, but in the meantime continue to lack the space to the elementary and middle schools in the capital so that some classes of primary school children are forced to share the same space with the students of middle school education with all the problems and not only that its effect, while the Mayor and Board believe the expansion of schools in Marina.
against a sense if we think the population is expanding elsewhere. We fear that the pattern of urban development of the country Montemarciano, dear to this administration, that is considered a few decades ago in the Navy, certainly not an example of harmonious development, so much so that recently the Mayor has called village sparsely populated but very cohesive. A portion of land so that still deserves attention for the complex issues relating to public order and safety citizens not to mention the absolute lack of space for giovani.Condividiamo the will to create a public place to facilitate the aggregation, and is well known as Marina Square, but we fear we will be celebrating the first ten years after the promise rather than the inauguration of this does not convince us that the place seems to be too decentralized.
Marina's heart is elsewhere, we have already said and written that spend nearly two billion lire for the new community center was not a good strategic choice for today, a few years after the inauguration, is already insufficient to accommodate all who who want to use.
The real social center of the Marina Mandracchio, history and tradition, is the guardian of the identity of Casebruciate.Continuiamo to ask why there will not be diverted public money for a full recovery? Why not develop a nursery instead of the center, maybe private, to provide a service more useful to families with more flexible hours? Also remember that following the start of the work of the first section of the promenade of Marina (was 2000) this Mayor said that he would continue the work to give a decent look at our beach which unfortunately continues to be of assistance buffer against erosion (high cost) and less accessible to many people who love the sea, especially with beach.
If you do not make mistakes are few and awkward angles up area of \u200b\u200bbeach near Marina. The intention of the Mayor and Board and to implement a parking fee on most of the waterfront, we believe that the multiplication of the inconvenience to bathers, and the operators of the kiosks. We do not believe that payment of the ticket will guarantee the repayment of the loan so that people could park where parking is free or at least find space anywhere. The experience of other municipalities insegna.Suggeriamo a subscription at a nominal price for our residents. Otherwise we do not see anything social in wanting to tax our citizens even when they go to sea.
Our money (about € 500 thousand) should be spent on other public works certainly more useful in order to justify yet another loan. Amare
considerations that lead to a reflection on the management of the territory, because if Marina has all these problems, Montemarciano certainly is not better. The capital city is waiting for years to get out of a worrying state of decadenza.Evitando to talk about traffic problems exacerbated by the disastrous changes made by the Mayor and the Board, we propose an urgent need to improve the condition of road surfaces in many ways, but improcrastinabile especially the renewal of old and inefficient public lighting now: try to find another country where there are no lamps hung on wires stretched from one building to another in the post-war style. Find out if other municipalities in just a bit 'of rain to black out entire areas of town. Plenty of space for young people because the center of groups of young people is at least sufficient in size, the only venue for many young people is the oratory, and even in this sector is not the role of the Administration regent brilla.Le performance of these 'Directors, however, is significantly improved when the objective is the defense of certain personalities and their power in this field connesso.In are unbeatable.
We have been accused of wanting to obstruct the establishment of a new industry just because the Gabella claim, along with all the opposition, the environmental impact assessment, so a simple delay in the paperwork to have full warranties on the environment and public health. Evidently
could hinder business owner from the area (not the City) and the potential buyer.
The ambition of our directors is a majority that does not consider some important aspects of this delicate matter most to them the promise of two hundred potential jobs.
In this regard we note that the Office of the City Staff picks someone curriculum for recruitment to this new industry ... mah! The Italian news
recently stigmatized the strong links between business and politics that produces a cronyism rampant in some areas of southern Italy, who knows what they would say of our municipality. We close
informing you that the Mayor and council agreed to spend € 15 thousand for a Press Officer who will work to prepare their election campaign: Unbelievable! It will
advertising with our money.
accuse us of not being able to contest?
of the need to know how to govern for answers to citizens solve their daily problems.
SMS to 340/3950860 or send mail to: National Alliance an.montemarciano @ libero.itGruppo Montemarciano