Saturday, January 15, 2011

Make Weekly Unemployment Claim Ny


of Marco Machiorletti in category Target

many things you have learned in life?
I'm not talking about learning, knowledge of school, to know bookish.
I speak of experience of life lived .

As the World Turns
How do I handle interpersonal relationships
How to reach its goals
How to deal with and overcome pain
What are the causes of failures and "moves hit "that led to the success
How to improve day after day
Who are the people that we like
How to make good decisions

All events that happen and we do happen in our lives each hidden valuable lessons.

You learn from the good times, and you learn from hard times.

Many live their lives continuously repeating the same mistakes, stumbled across the same issues and addressing them always in the same way.

Maybe you ask why, but instead of making a ' analysis of its behaviors and beliefs of their prefer to wallow in the' self-pity, which does not add an ounce of experience, or forge antibodies to address the problems, or generate alternative behaviors to solve them.

The wisdom, the know being in the world is the result of experience.
Experience metabolized and forfeited in its awareness.

The study does not end with the attainment of a degree .. You're a student for life.
Students life.
Every day we have the opportunity to learn new lessons, and evaluation of our learning we see in our quality of life .

Someone who grows and remains small, and stranded on the same rocks.

Be careful , receptive, ready to learn every day something again.
learn from your experiences and those of others.

Put pen to paper all that you learn, and act every day with a new awareness.
Get all you can from all that life offers you .

A hug
Marco Machiorletti



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