"on drug safety and the left is not credible, as in the control of territory and the certainty of punishment."Unfortunately, was the center to do:
- the ex-Cirielli, which halves the statute of limitations;
- the Act requests that make it impossible for international collaboration ;
- Decree no.106 Castelli, who expropriated the prosecutors and their deputies of prosecutions, now reserved exclusively to the Chief Prosecutor;
- the Cirami that with the introduction of reasonable suspicion , prolongs the time the proceedings indefinitely, or at least until prescription (halved);
- the sheep, which provides non-appellabilità by the prosecution, the acquittals in the first instance;
- Maccanico the award, which suspended the proceedings for the highest offices of State;
these show the true conception of the center-right Justice and AN consequently, that of justicialism rampant against the weak and the powerful guarantee for unrestrained, because:
The law is equal for everyone, but for some it is more same for others.
[Adapted from G. Orwell's "Animal Farm"]
Ah, yeah! The left has made the pardon, but only the AN and the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bvoted no ... perhaps Fini forgotten by those who run for elections.
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